...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

August 06, 2005

Went to Warped Tour, HOT HOT HOT!
It was to freaking hot... sweat - gross - mascara runnnnnning....
But My Chemical Romance.... *WERE HOTTER*.... *sigh*

I will hump the legs of each and every one of them...


The story that ensues....

So, I went with my friend *K* and her two sisters. She is the oldest of the group and thought she would buy the tickets as a fun thing they could all got to together.
~They got here. *K* wanted to drive her car, 'A', her sister, wanted to drive her's. 'A' calls mom and basically cries over the phone that *K* said they would drive together and know she's not following her word and all kind of good stuff like that.
*K* tells me at this point, "What if they want to leave early?" I answer - "Well they can't!" We get into 'A's car and go to TWT (the warped tour.)

We got directions from the computer. It leads us to some parking lot of a grocery store in St. Pete. (Same city as TWT wrong place.) Apparently we weren't the only ones that got directions from this web site because I car slides in right next to us and asks us if we're are going to TWT... we end up calling *John* to get us directions. BUT ~ 'A' blames *K* the ENTIRE RIDE for getting us lost. I was the one handling the directions AND that other car landed EXACTLY where we did so - OBVIOUSLY at least this wasn't *K*'s fault.

So we get into the area. Can't find parking. 'A' freaks out at the wheel because - she keeps seeing big trucks beside us. I KID YOU NOT. I didn't see any and she kept saying she couldn't turn where *K* told her to because of "big trucks". When we finally got parking Everyone else, (being *K*, *B* - *K*'s youngest sister, and I) rejoiced! 'A' hyperventilated.

We walked over and got in - Everything was A O K. *K* wanted to go to see a band and I wanted to walk around, cool ~ we said we'd meet back at the My Chemical Romance Mech. booth at 4. Her sisters were with her listening to the music while I looked around. I'm on a little blanket next to images of angst emo/punk just chill'n and I think to look at my cell phone.

SIX missed calls!

All six from a number I don't know. But I assume to be 'A's phone.

I call - I'm right and *K* answers. She's currently walking her sisters back to the car. 'A' was hot and hungry and thirsty. *K* offered to buy her a drink and she said she didn't want *K* to buy her a drink. She's a vegetarian ~ so most of the food there wasn't vegi-friendly - but she could have had a soft pretzel - - Most importantly... IT'S AUGUST IN FLORIDA - OF COURSE IT'S HOT!


*K*, before she left, managed to find a security guard that would let her back in because they are not suppose to do that... I walked over to the front gate just in case, but she was let back in.

When she gets back I find out 'A' was going to leave me there at TWT! She told *K*, she was the only ride home so go home now or never.
Meanwhile she was STILL complaining how this whole fiasco was *K*'s fault - and I heard 'A' say "I want to go to the Warped Tour." She it's not like she was DRAGGED with us.

I hook back up with *K* while we check our options.

*John* said he would pick us up. (Which he did, saving the day - for a second time!)

After that we were free to have fun!


I won at lazertag! and I won a raffle I entered, (for a buck!)

Yes - it was hot.
I brought waterin my back pack.
Yes - it was expensive.
I didn't buy food there (I brought apples and nectarines and trail mix from home) - only band shirts and a raffle ticket. WHICH I WON! and the band shirts are the best! AND I won a shirt too... and some posters... and a Thrice lanyard... which I have no idea what to do with because I don't listen to Thrice!... AND FREE STICKERS!!! WOO HOO!
Sure the punkie kids were rude, but they were funny and nice about it - excuse me's and laughter and actual sorry's... not like the mean freaking emo kids at Bright Eyes.
(I saw a shirt that said "DON'T DO EMO" with a picture of a cartoon emo boy crying, crossed out... temptation!)
And after I won the raffle I had to cary around the huge doll and plastic container and shirts and mags and DVD and giftcards -
who am I kidding I have no point... 'cept for the top of my head. *lol*

I had a great time.
I don't think I want to go to Warped Tour next year... unless My Chemical Romance plays again...

August 01, 2005

I won two ticket to the warped tour in Papanoe? Beach... August 6th. THIS SATURDAY!
If you want 'em you have to get back to me before tomwrrow. (You'd have to go to Miami area to pick them up!)

July 31, 2005


Things to look out for when buying a hearse

Reanimated corpses hiding under passenger side seat:
Be sure to lift all the seat cushions and check for the undead. A zombie is generally a bad thing to have in your car, and being that they are indestructible they are near impossible to get rid of once you have them. Also because they are dead, they smell awful, worse than hippies. If upon receiving your car you find it has a drooling unholy creature from hell in it, check with your local parts store for Zombie spray. Also, some insurance plans cover damage caused by drooling unholy creatures from hell, check on your insurance cards for the abbreviation D.U.C.H. to see if your policy covers them.