...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

October 07, 2005

I would delete the extra comments but the comments on the stupid comments are GREAT!
Okay - lately I've been getting a few people commenting -
"You haven't read my blog!" - "Do you check your My Space?" - "You havn't been on Facebook for FOREVER!!!" - "When was the last time you read my LJ?" and lots of other nifty little comments....

Well let me tell you something dearies...

I have school - full time - I have work. That takes up a few hours here and there. I love to eat and sleep! (Though lately slep has been an impossible dream - I finally had a weekend with my boy and you know what I did! SLEPT ALL DAMN DAY! He got up, cleaned his house, checked his e-mail did this and that and I... was still asleep...! He didn't want to wake me up.)

Any w00t...

I have many blogs to read and one to update which I know I don't do half as often as I'd like! A few My Space people - which is highly annoying - just freaking e-mail me! I'm thinking of canceling my My Space. People want me to join LJ because I can only post as ann. nonny. mouse. - too bad! I have stuff I like to do online - like post in my forums that I belong to (nerdy as they may be I don't care!) And I have to create a website for my arch. class and I havn't even STARTED! *OIIIII* Not to mention regular homework. All the freaking reading....

AND! I'm not upset and anyone - don't get me wrong - just don't get upset at me for not keeping up with your personal life because I'm finally getting a little one of my own!


- um - anyone else need this soapbox? ....

October 06, 2005

Star Wars Horoscope for Gemini

Like most Geminis, you are a playful little creature.
You tend to be extremely curious, craving knowledge but sometimes having a short attention span.
For the most part, you are charming and loveable.
But at times, you can seem scattered and high-strung.

Star wars character you are most like: Ewoks