...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

August 06, 2004

Yale gave George W. Bush an honorary law degree. Now he’s an honorary lawyer, the same way he’s an honorary president.
- Letterman

Moving forward.
I love horror movies and now I have to see Exorcist: the beginning and the Village, though the later doesn’t strike me as a horror flick just cause it looks like one in the commercials and it’s M.Night… my lover….
Two, I ‘officially’ am going to Atlanta Bread to shop for men.
Nextly – if I’m paying does some one want to take me shopping cause I think I need help. Today I had money and fit into a size 12 pair of pants… I have not fit into this fantasy in a coons age. Shopping was such a pleasure. I used to run around the Mall *wishing*

Now – I don’t.

BUT BUT BUT ~ I didn’t know what to buy… I feel like now I have this *mission* to change my look and my life! It’s a fantastic mind fuck. I’m so out of the “loop.” This is ME! T-shirt and jeans… bad t-shirts bad jeans, really bad. Guys clothes galore… Now I have a few skirts, a couple girlie cut T’s, my shoes, my really really cool shoes (with a cherry on top!) Now….NOW I’m into buying a jacket (just ask Christian the importance of a good jacket.) Nice clothes – I need stuff to go out in – be the muse I was meant to be. I’m in the process of making my own backpack cause I have my green one with the angel wings proudly sporting a flex of plaid explaining ‘real men wear kilts’, add a pin suggesting that I float along with the faeries and another to comment that I do listen to the Cure… delightful, but I want a smaller one.

Anyway, anyone wanna shop?

August 05, 2004

Back in my element – adjust adjust – I’ll get there again anyway. My element is wind anyway, I used to live in the Windy city, lucky me… movement. So I alight onto the land of surreal dreams and bona fide fuck ups. Lucky me. And all I wanted to do today was rant about fat baseball players. Baseball and hockey tastes good. Maybe I’ve had to much baseball, to much of a good thing? But didn’t those boys used to be skinnier? Old school please stand up! Wrigley Field rocks my world. Fat baseball players, the fatter the wife the skinnier the trophy girlfriend. I don’t care if they can still play – damn fatso, you have maybe THE greatest “American” job… SO GET TO WORK. You never see fat astronauts. If you wanna get fat – become a director – then you can be any size you want without ridicule. What little boy doesn’t go to his father and say “I wanna be a baseball player.” Okay so maybe some of them say ‘I wanna dress baseball players,’ either way!... I wanted to be a baseball player! I played pitcher and catcher. I wasn’t very good but I practiced ~ I got to play at Wrigley! I’ve seen some larger players make amazing catches, plays that I’ll never be able to imitate, homeruns I’ll never dream of – but have some pride. Wasn’t the Babe rather large? Maybe I shouldn’t be complaining. It just doesn’t make sense to me? Baseball players, astronauts, filmmakers, though I’m beginning to thing Australia/New Zealand is catching up. (And yes I know India makes way more movies than we do but not the same caliber, thank you very much!) Cartoonist? To regional. President? To puppeteered. The only other great American profession is… carpetbagger. Cowboy?... Football player maybe… none seem to be dominated by the female of the species, shock shock horror horror shock shock horror! The only great American profession for women is First Lady! And what will happen to that one when we get a woman president? By the way, any guy laughing out there… if it weren’t for your mother carrying you around for nine months where would you be – so unless you’re a test tube baby – and even then they still use an egg somewhere in the process. Happiness overwhelms my life every day. (Cause I know I’m right!)
I was watching a ball game, just shortly – theory testing.
Goodness – I love to babble.

August 03, 2004

I don't suggest long term hospital stays for anyone...

August 01, 2004

There are ghosts in my hospital room. I can hear them. When I close my eyes I can feel them standing in my personal space. Damn rude ghosts… Four days of watching T.V. to the point of shrinking my already small brain even further than half of our American population. Sad sad sad state of affairs. I have the Chicken Pox. BUT ~ as I was watching the news, Websters’ has a new dictionary! They were saying some of the new words to the English language but I’m pretty sure they were just slang. I’m excited about this new edition. My mom has an older one with pages that are made of a light paper, great definitions. We got a newer model – maybe – six years ago. I need a really good thesaurus. A few more months and I can go back to school. (I think.) I also think I’m going to have to pay for my own college this time. I have this underlying quote I heard melded to the left side of my brain, just above slumber – “Hi! I have a college degree, would you like fries with that!”
Oh yah, I’m in the hospital with the Pox. I’m very ichy. I have painkillers on tap so it’s not to bad. I’m hooked up to these cute machines that don’t like to stop beeping, they must be communicating to each other. I haven’t called anyone to tell them – I feel like I bother people with all my damn sicknesses as it is. What’s one more? Really? Okay so boredom has kicked in but I’m mostly just extraordinarily tired cause you never get any sleep in the hospital. *blah* I’m going to sleep - !

Just in case I've see you in the last couple days - I hope you've had the Pox... if not I'm really sorry, wanna share a room?