...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

August 06, 2004

Yale gave George W. Bush an honorary law degree. Now he’s an honorary lawyer, the same way he’s an honorary president.
- Letterman

Moving forward.
I love horror movies and now I have to see Exorcist: the beginning and the Village, though the later doesn’t strike me as a horror flick just cause it looks like one in the commercials and it’s M.Night… my lover….
Two, I ‘officially’ am going to Atlanta Bread to shop for men.
Nextly – if I’m paying does some one want to take me shopping cause I think I need help. Today I had money and fit into a size 12 pair of pants… I have not fit into this fantasy in a coons age. Shopping was such a pleasure. I used to run around the Mall *wishing*

Now – I don’t.

BUT BUT BUT ~ I didn’t know what to buy… I feel like now I have this *mission* to change my look and my life! It’s a fantastic mind fuck. I’m so out of the “loop.” This is ME! T-shirt and jeans… bad t-shirts bad jeans, really bad. Guys clothes galore… Now I have a few skirts, a couple girlie cut T’s, my shoes, my really really cool shoes (with a cherry on top!) Now….NOW I’m into buying a jacket (just ask Christian the importance of a good jacket.) Nice clothes – I need stuff to go out in – be the muse I was meant to be. I’m in the process of making my own backpack cause I have my green one with the angel wings proudly sporting a flex of plaid explaining ‘real men wear kilts’, add a pin suggesting that I float along with the faeries and another to comment that I do listen to the Cure… delightful, but I want a smaller one.

Anyway, anyone wanna shop?


  • At 12:40 AM, Blogger Tim said…

    It's funny how I've lost interest in shopping... Until now. Either I love shopping for myself (only when I have the money), or helping people choose things... I love that. I would totally go!

    Also, I just spent $93 on a jacket the other day... A nice brown, soft one... Even I know the importance of a good jacket. Be it as it may... Expensive?

    Another note... You should feel YOURSELF in your clothes... and people change regularily.. So it's no surprise you're changing styles.


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