...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

June 24, 2004

Yesterday I got to see my good friend Christian, he's a good kid - he's got a good grasp on life, sometimes I think not his own but in general he's definitely a sweet kid. He lives far far away...

My two best friends in high school, whom I've kept really close contact and whom I absolutely love ~ live all the way in Chicago... (Hi Akiba! Hi Heather!)

Jeremy moved away with Christian. None of my other friends here live closer than 45min. away... even my ex lives a freak'n hour away...

All this traveling... gas prices are going upupupupup......I don't have a car - not that I'm allowed to drive. Oi!
Do you know what a port is? (This blog is turning into a medical journal...gross...) They put a tube in your chest so it's easier to get medication and take blood. They also wanna give me one of those things...

They'll take me kicking and screaming....

June 22, 2004

I'm not going to post everyday...

June 21, 2004

Most people don’t know what they have.

Today I went to the doctor for yet another blood test, a cbc if you know what that is. Apparently my platelet count is dropping. What do platelets do? Basically they are for clotting. If you get a cut they are why you stop bleeding – I’m on a blood thinner. Should something happen, the bleeding wouldn’t stop. Since only vampires find this attractive, I’ve been in the hospital every day since my birthday. Yes, I spent my birthday in the hospital – I’ve spent my birthday in the hospital for years running… I’ve lost count and I’m only 24.

Today I went to the doctor for yet another blood test. What I did get was a bone/marrow biopsy…and some other bone marrow thing I can’t pronounce. They stuck a needle in my back (not the first time this has happened, I’ve had a spinal tap and other various tests of this nature.) It didn’t really hurt that much, it tickled a lot actually – your suppose to keep still for these types of things and I was squiggling around… I did cry though. It was one of those “why do these things keep happening to me” cries.

Yesterday I heard someone say people who have cancer are lucky, because of the attention they get and the help people give them – things of that nature. I see people around me complaining about the stupidest shit – a bad hair day, or the store was out of there favorite ice cream. Now, I’m not saying that my problems are worse than anyone else’s, cause they aren’t, but to me I feel like screaming – Pick Your Battles! I have a few friends that hate it when I say this but…

It could be worse.

Most people don’t know what they have.

Is it so wrong to ask people to look around and maybe appreciate what’s there? I wasn’t able to walk for a long time, now I take my dog out and play with her because I CAN! I find it utterly amazing ~ while people just label me loony. Walking, jumping, dancing, I’d like to add roller skating to my list of my long lost arts but I haven’t found a pair or roller skates…NOT BLADES!!! Hell – for me being able to leave my house THE long lost art. I have to wait till the doctors give the say so – It wasn’t so bad when couldn’t get up but now that I can walk again I’m ready to walk right OUT!!! ARG!!! I can stand outside and look at the stars. I can walk down the road and buy a big gulp at 7-eleven. I’ve been dancing…when no one is around. *^_^* Great, I’m the damn Little Mermaid…

I just know we have so much and we never stop to look at it, love it, recognize the value in things… in people…

June 20, 2004

Father's Day - My poor dad, all he wanted to do was sleep. Instead he got to drive my mother and I to the hospital so I could get platelets, then my mom wanted to go to Jo-Ann Fabrics, then she wanted to eat at Shells. He worships that woman.

So - I've been 24 for at least 24 hours. I feel it. Granted I'm certainly not ready to pack up my Legos, and I will never stop playing with my dolls (I adore miniature tea sets!) But... I don't want to play with my obsessions within the confines of my parents home. It's a little harder for me right now cus' I just had a freaking stem-cell transplant but I really can't wait to leave.

On a lighter note I'm planning to sew Samantha (my american girl doll) a Dorothy costume. My new Lion Build-a-Bear? is going to be the Cowardly Lion, and seeing as my sisters also have Build-A-Misc. Animal...Zander (an actual bear) will be the Tin Man. And Greg the Bunny will portray the Scarecrow. All will have costumes.