...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

February 16, 2005

wow - so - so much has happened....

parties - opera stuff - costuming a play (me, I'm doing it) -

Why does this stuff not matter....

*I miss John!*

~Should I? We're not going out... he won't even kiss me. Damn it! *sigh*....

He's such a sweetie. He paints his nails black... (I love that!) I've never met a man more gentle and wonderfull....

He's such a gentalman... he always opens doors for me. He walks on the correct side of the street - carries groceries...

*eh*...... lordy.....
I'm out of it.... SNAP BACK *NATASHA*..... oi.......