...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

September 16, 2005

...*blah*... it's been to long - my fingers wanted to do a little typ'n. In all of my classes - I have not.... -wait- that's a lie. My Archeaology class... *duh*... *oh* I might be gett'n a free computer.

hey - it's free.

I hopeI get it soon - I have to work on web page for said class and I havn't started! I like to work when inspired - and with no computer... it's just plain difficult to create a web page...

Wow - I think that was the more BOREING thing I've ever typed in my LIFE. (and near death. *meh*)

half hour and I get to go home *er* dorm... *oh*
Well I tried applying for a job - but the owner was a perv....

*lol* - I sent some people some more details.

I'm listening to the 80's station. I need to learn how to do those little avatar icon thingies that flip and switch...
