...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

September 09, 2004

Rachel comes up with these great little stories ideas, movie ideas. Fantastic twists and her characters are cute and funny – the girl is sarcastic as hell so it lends a nice realism to her thought processes. The problem is, (did you doubt?) she never gets them down, writes them out, make them flesh! She spends her nights telling me this and that about her love stories. Her *thing* would be to put a set of twins in her story lines. Always, twins! Makes you wonder doesn’t it?... *evil grin* She’s really learning to write well. Okay so most of her works tend to be of the college essay persuasion, but in my humble opinion those essays are even harder to write than that lovely thing we call fiction. She can write one and it won’t be boring. Thank goodness cause I get to edit the essays of all three of my sisters – and some of those topics are just *bleck*! Ha! Like I write all that well! I don’t BUT I can edit a little bit.

I also want to make a quilt. I’m currently in the process of destroying one cause I royally fucked it up *but* I’m going to see if I can salvage it… or at least part of it. I really just – oi – right in the middle of the quilt *yucky*… One day I’ll fix it… so my new quilt idea, right! I’m going to buy t-shirts of my favorite bands – one’s with the title of the band – and then cut them up and just use the squares and makie my quiltie! I’m going to see if this is possible cause t-shirts are made out of sort of stretchy cotton and that might be a bitch to sew… I can see maybe a whole lot of interfacing, heavy starchy interfacing. I already know I’m going to have a square for the Format. I hope hope hope I’ll be going to the concert *so* as an addition I’m going to scan in the ticket and print it out on fabric and appliqué it to the Format’s square. (Appliqué for those who need it… a decoration or trimming made of one material attached by sewing or gluing, etc. to another… it will be sewn.) I’m really excited about this project but I’m not much of a quilter so I have to suck up to my mother to help me out. OH! It looks easy but it’s rather mathematical, not my bag… *oh* I need of list of the bands I want! *I love making lists!*

September 08, 2004

09/28/04 THE SOCIAL
orlando, fl
w/steel train. limbeck, hellogoodbye, and reubens accomplice
all ages / $9 / headlining

WANNA GO?! Anyone?!
oh yah~ It's the Format headlining by the way...
my trip to Chicago, for all those interested parties, was fantastic. i saw Garden State again! (STILL LOVED IT! Heather still didn't...) i also got to catch Donnie Darko Director's Cut on the big screen - it was about 1:30 in the am (what does a.m. stand for?) and you get into those wonderful debates after watching a movie like that. Einstein said the only reason for time was so that everything doesn't happen at once. i loved being emersed in culture and quandary and Quaaludes... (calm down i'm just kidding about the quaaludes!) all my medical mumbo-jumbo went well.

I'm sick about talking about all the medical crap. I just feel like I should, like I have to cause I have to educate other people about this... I tought someone what lupus was today... almost everyday.

i spent way to much money on material bullshit. but how i figure it... i've been sick a really long time. really really really long time. i'm not going to take it with me but i was sick of not living my life. so i had a little fun! i don't usually run out and spend like i don't care - i was on vacation damn it all! the gentleman at Build-A-Bear gave me a Cubs jersey-outfit for mine... GAVE! He was a very nice man. The man sitting next to me on the plane gave my candy...

how bad does THAT sound...

anyway, he did and when I told him my age he was blown away for some odd reason. he said i seemed sooooo much younger. i liked that. (who wants to be a fucking old frowgie anyway.) at the pool, again 15 year olds hitting on me. his name was Andrew and his parents were really nice!

maybe i'll write something socially relevant tomarrow, yah right. tonight i'm going to write and read and sleep? (Last night I couldn't sleep at all!) download pictures of me in chicago tomarrow?

September 07, 2004

if i love You
(thickness means
worlds inhabited by roamingly
stern bright faeries

if you love
me) distance is mind carefully
luminous with innumerable gnomes
Of complete dream

if we love each (shyly)
other, what clouds do or Silently
Flowers resembles beauty
less than our breathing

e e cummings
"Did you bring your lotion?"

"Yah, I brought the little one in your bathroom that was half full."

"What!? There won't be enough in that thing! It's half empty!"
ACTUAL conversation between my father and I. (I was the half full part.) And I would like to add, THAT is how I live my life. I used to do that whole depressing angst thing - I even wore all black - heavy black makeup! But it was to depressing... I loved to be depressed though, very melodramatic. Just watching people watch me as I walked down the street with my little rain cloud floating (*eep*) above me, *sweeps her hand up to her head* oh my oh my oh my.......

Now it's....
*sunshine, lollypops, amd rainbows...*

Pink! ARG!
Everyone needs the computer! but I'll be back......

September 06, 2004



I love Chicago... fuck'n love it........