...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

July 10, 2004

... you think you knonw some people...


I'm not much of a music buff. I rely on my friends to introduce me to anything new I might like. When they do introduce me to new and exciting things - all those wonderful lyrics seem to fit in my life, state of mind, dreams. I just got the new Cure Album entitled 'The Cure.' I hate it when bands title the CD after the band name...

(Robert Smith I forgive you - but only cause I love you.)

They don't just write depressing songs by the way. And Lovesong makes me melt every time - I always have that romantic notion He'll lullaby me to sleep with that song. (I'm talking about my dream lover by the way and it's not who your thinking. I think I'm just about done with him.)

I listened to the new album only once so far. It basicly sounds like their other stuff. Everyone tells me all Cure songs sound the same - Trust me... I don't care... they don't sound the same to me. There seem to be a lot of goodbyes in this CD. Some rude awakenings, mournfull lyrics, and it's been fun. I just broke up with my boy toy of four years. It's hard for me - I remember what being lonely was! Every song on the radio seems to pertain to me. As does this compact disk that my favorite band wrote for me. I like Poe. I wish she'd come out with a new album.

July 25 the Cure will be in Tampa and I couldn't find anyone to go with me. That's a week after Elise's birthday! (They have a song to Elise, lucky girl!) I wanted to go....REALLY BAD.... or at least find someone who was going, I could have at least gotten a T. Oh well right?


July 09, 2004

"I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple."
~I want to make a shirt and I'm looking for a good quote, I liked this one along with the next couple...all are by Albert Einstein.

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity"
~Any comments?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
~Some of the advice I like to live by...

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle The other is as though everything is a miracle."
--Albert Einstein

~Everything is a miracle...

July 08, 2004

I think it's very important to surround yourself with good people. Talent, humor, poetry, and beauty... that sums up all my friends...

I've recently met some new people, remet others... good times.

Everyone seems to be wonderfulness ~ *^_^*

Even with all this friendship - I can't find a bloody person to go to the Cure concert with me...ARG!

I'm going to write to Angelina Jolie. She'll go with me. Maybe she'll pay!!! My sister can babysit her rugrat.

I miss my friends, I've been stuck in this fake house. *GROWL* I'm lonely. I realize I don't like crowds, but this is ridiculous...'one is the lonelyest number...' (I knew that song before it was in Magnolia... SO THERE!

I have nothing to do. I have everything to do.
