...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

November 18, 2004

You wouldn’t think this music could come from a guy named Ted. He’s already used “transcendence” and “onslaught.” And I’m not even really listening. – It’s not even dark dank music either! …..3pts and 5 for ‘onslaught’, that’s a GREAT word….

Yesterday I was getting my make-up done. A little gay boy was in the room and he said I had great features... I added if I could only learn how to use them - He said "GIRL! All you have to do wink and smile!"... then we started talk about Johnny Depp - he said that wasn't what I really wanted - he said I should date a tall - big - strong - man who'll throw me down and have his way with me...

I could comment.... I will! I like his idea.

Today is officially dubbed Cheesy Stuff I’ve found on the Internet Day!

George Clooney Batman mask for charity - $51,699.oo (still has seven days)

With Out A Paddle paddle for charity - $10.5o (still eight days)

Tom Hanks Road to Perdition directors chair awning for charity - $5.5o (eight more)

Zach Braff signed GARDEN STATE poster for charity - $26.oo (eight more)
ONLY 26.oo….

Just a few I felt were more…. interesting…. I may just bid for the Batman mask to say I bid for it….
*I’m KIDDING*…. *jeeze* calm yourself……*lol*…..
You Know You're Addicted to Coffee When...

You don't sweat... you percolate.

The Taster's Choice couple wants to adopt you.

You don't get mad, you get steamed.

You introduce your spouse as your coffee mate.

Your heart beats noticeably faster as a reaction to the smell of coffee.
You Know You're Addicted to Harry Potter When...

You make a wand and try to use it.

You wear robes to school or work.

You have read all the books more than four times.

You've worn a Harry Potter costume in public.

You've been bookstore at midnight to get the latest Harry Potter book before all your friends.

... And then you stayed up all night wearing it.

You have a crush on one of the Harry Potter characters.

You've gotten at least one of your friends addicted to Harry Potter.

Using clues in the book, you have attempted to find the exact geographical location of Hogwarts.

You have attempted to figure out the exact ages of all the Weasley children?

You have spent time contemplating which main characters will die by the time the series is over.

You've been to see all the Harry Potter movies on opening night. (Bonus points for standing in line in costume!)

You visit The Leaky Cauldron daily.

You've met other Harry Potter fans from online in real life.

You've dreamed about Harry Potter.

You have a Harry Potter poster on your wall.

Each Halloween, there's no question what you'll dress up as...!

You've spent time doing a timeline to see if you would have been old enough to date a certain character when you were in high school.

You've vacationed to London, simply to search for the Leaky Cauldron.

You own a black lab named Sirius Black.

You've knitted a Weasley sweater or Harry Potter scarf.

You actually get these jokes.

Um…. Halloween I dressed up as a slutty Slytherin…. That’s all I have to say…..*lol* OKAY – so I’m an addict. DEAL~!

You Are a Snarky Blogger!

You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!

November 17, 2004

Pyrallis: and want another sign the world is coming to an end?
Cujunga: *ok*
Pyrallis: I didn't hear about this one till a few months ago....it SCARED me...
Cujunga: TELLLLL~!!!
Pyrallis: seriously, armageddon must be nigh....
Pyrallis: "GangstaGoths"
Pyrallis: wtf is that!
Cujunga: *clutches her chest*
Cujunga: *falls to the floor*
Cujunga: *twich*
Cujunga: *kick - twich*
Pyrallis: what the HELL kinda music do they listen to?
Pyrallis: do they go "bling bling" when showin off their vampy teeth?
Cujunga: *eyes roll into head*
Pyrallis: do they install those hydraulic bouncy pump things on a hearse?
Cujunga: *vultures start flying above*
Cujunga: wait that would be cool...
Pyrallis: hey, you're dying, remember!
Cujunga: *sorry* *falls back down*
Cujunga: *cough*
Cujunga: *COUGH*
Pyrallis: oh wait, they must have one gold vampy tooth, and talk about smackin their hoes up
Cujunga: *sma'ken their slaves up*....*COUGH*
Cujunga: *twin..gah*
Pyrallis: smackin' their bondage bizniaches
Pyrallis: wearing a pimpsuit tophat
Pyrallis: that's it, all black pimpsuits!
Cujunga: *starts laughing uncontrollably...*
Cujunga: ((((((death by laughter)))))))))))
Cujunga: *not a bad way to go*
Pyrallis: haha, I've already caught a case of the hiccups by laughin so much!
Cujunga: *shake shake*...
Cujunga: *if I raise from the dead will that scare you into stopping the hiccups*
Pyrallis: yoyoyo word up to my homies in da coffins!
Pyrallis: Eastzide Transylvania!
Pyrallis: can't you see it? On Cleopatra's new tribute album, Snoop Mutty Mutt sings VNV Nation!
Pyrallis: and who can forget the rivalry between Tupac Sisters of Mercy, and Biggie Ministry
Pyrallis: no, if you rise from the dead I'll know I've had one too many absinthes already
Cujunga: *twich*
Cujunga: *is that a worm in my ear*
Pyrallis: Homie, yallz sup, I'm gon bust a cap in yo vampire ass!
Pyrallis: no hon, that's just me.
Pyrallis: dayum, that corset baby got BACK
Pyrallis: yo west-sayeeeiida, hear dat dog bust some RHYME to that edgar allen poe, y'all!
Cujunga: *oh*.... *rolls over, hands over head of heels*
Cujunga: *crawls over to the nearest six foot down hole in the ground*
Cujunga: *jumps in*
Pyrallis: They call me Sean "Puffy" Combs... Puffy because I wear this Victorian puffy shirt. It goes with my cape.
Cujunga: *covers herself with dirt*
Cujunga: *damn ~ no coffin*
Cujunga: *crawls back out*
Pyrallis: Out with my homies, yo, sportin a reefer (clove) and a 40 (red wine)
Cujunga: *spies a pine box*....
Cujunga: *cough*
Pyrallis: This is Mac Daddy Paleskin comin to you from the MEAN STREETS of disaffected suburban america!
Pyrallis: ahh, honey, ain't nothin like a dramatic death!
Cujunga: *get up brushes herself off* - I am *so* not get buried in this....
Pyrallis: Hey, at least the names The Blood and The Crips are already fitting.
Pyrallis: ya know? Doesn't the Bloods and the Crips just sound goth already?
Pyrallis: instead of drive by shootings, we can do drive by hexings!
Cujunga: *LOL*
Pyrallis: can't you just imagine Snoop Mutty Mutt doing VNV? I can't get that outta my head!
Cujunga: *your killing me all over again*
Pyrallis: Instead of "Empires" it would be "Hoodz"
Pyrallis: heh.. I'm so goth, I know what VNV stands for!
Cujunga: tupac is dead... undead undead undead...
Pyrallis: HAHAHAHA!!
Cujunga: the sad part is it's TRUE...
Pyrallis: The victims have been bled... and shot up, mofo!
Cujunga: *someone is rolling in their grave...*
Pyrallis: oh, dear, this is too much fun.

November 16, 2004

First off : my dad puts enough sugar in his coffee to shame Willy Wonka.

Second : this blog is frustrating

Okay so I know there are a few people that are curious about this internet boy. I think maybe I'm allowed to talk about it a little... He's getting his name changed - legally - I don't know what this new name is. I hope, if we ever meet, he'll introduce himself as such. He's changing his last name to his mother's maiden name. She died when he was 17... She was sick.

I seem to notice that in talking to people I don't say what the sickness are - mine or others. I talk about my sickness - I almost forget to say what I had, might still have - *knock on wood* - don't have. The sickness itself has lost all importance to me. I know it shouldn't and I should help other people with "Lupus," but shouldn't I help EVERYONE - all kinds of sick? Common cold or brain tumor? Cancer or broken toe? That's to much to think about right now... I continue...

This boy, he's a member of Mensa. I can't begin to tell you how I'm turned on by the brains of this kid. He's funny - thank goodness cause that's number two. HE LOVES LABYRINTH. (I guess it's a cultish thing to like in a person but I can almost say he likes it as much as I do~!) And he's got this cute little robertsmith look to him. Which really isn't important but I when I found out - you know I was slightly turned on. We've been talking - we've spoken a bit on the phone. We like a lot of the same things.

Who knows? Maybe we're just two confused, painfully alone - horny people who found each other at the right moment... but who knows.

I don't want to do anything just out of 'why not?'


Quilt update: got an eels shirt I can cut up.

Opera update: AWESOME~!

November 15, 2004

Tim Burton - The Corpse Bride...

again... he pairs with J. Depp...... (it's a stop motion~!)

Charlie and the C.F....................

I'm going to scream now......
I’ve had a very nice couple of days. I bought the greatest jacket at Disney. (Also bought something for E&C for Christmas but I’m giving it to them before then – IB (internet boy) got something as well…)

TODAY: I get train for make-up for the Orlando Opera. Salome. I found out yesterday that if I wanted to work on The Mikado and Aida, twood be twirrific. This rocks. Aida is also going to be done all Egyptian *so* I’ll get to do that heavy Cleopatra eye-makeup. I’ve done Les Misarables, Much Ado About Nothing, and the less popular known She Love Me. (I was also Juror #6 in Twelve Angry People [Men] and Cobweb, a faerie in A Midsummer Night Dream.) Trust me – Techie’s do it on stage, in the dark. (And dress in black~!) (*KINKY*) <- one of my semi-new phrases…

Now I have an awesome jacket and a FreddyKrueger sweater. (Sin the torn.ness and dirt – actually it’s pretty fucking cute ~!) I live in damn Florida – I’ll have to choose on the one cold day of the year – which one do I wear? I’ll switch off… the only sister I will allow to touch these items is - *Zabrina* - I know it’ll get hung up and taken care of.

Has anyone seen the little picture of C’s dad on the F.N. web site… he looks like an oil painting or something?