...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

November 15, 2004

I’ve had a very nice couple of days. I bought the greatest jacket at Disney. (Also bought something for E&C for Christmas but I’m giving it to them before then – IB (internet boy) got something as well…)

TODAY: I get train for make-up for the Orlando Opera. Salome. I found out yesterday that if I wanted to work on The Mikado and Aida, twood be twirrific. This rocks. Aida is also going to be done all Egyptian *so* I’ll get to do that heavy Cleopatra eye-makeup. I’ve done Les Misarables, Much Ado About Nothing, and the less popular known She Love Me. (I was also Juror #6 in Twelve Angry People [Men] and Cobweb, a faerie in A Midsummer Night Dream.) Trust me – Techie’s do it on stage, in the dark. (And dress in black~!) (*KINKY*) <- one of my semi-new phrases…

Now I have an awesome jacket and a FreddyKrueger sweater. (Sin the torn.ness and dirt – actually it’s pretty fucking cute ~!) I live in damn Florida – I’ll have to choose on the one cold day of the year – which one do I wear? I’ll switch off… the only sister I will allow to touch these items is - *Zabrina* - I know it’ll get hung up and taken care of.

Has anyone seen the little picture of C’s dad on the F.N. web site… he looks like an oil painting or something?


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