...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

February 02, 2005

February 01, 2005

my sister just told me a story...

There was an younger woman, lived with her mother, had a prosthetic leg.
There was a soap salesman. Lonely - religious.

He keeps coming around to her house - trying to start a romance.
She starts to like him - She's showing him about her leg... how to take it off - how to put it on... They start making out and he takes it off and runs away with it.

Apparently, he has pieces parts of different people in his luggage... eyes - hands - whatever...

She said the moral of the story was don't trust strangers.



January 30, 2005

Friday night I went to the Castle, (goth club Tampa.)

I met John.

It was... FANTASTIC!!!

First off : I went with Chase. Everyone else chicken'd out on us so we went by ourselves. We were both wearing corsets. (Not expensive ones but okay for the price...) Mine is black, her burgundy - we both looked lovely...

Okay so we were kinda lost - cause isn't everyone and just as we crossing through the walkway to the Castle, we were meeting him in front, there was a boy on the phone. A big boy in a leather trench coat - really nice boots... robertsmith hair... *lol* adorable... anyway... I say big... he's football player big - tall as well... I know I know... I'll continue...

yes... so... he says "you remind me of the babe..." - it was HIM!

...after big hugs and introductions... the Castle wasn't open yet! We walked around. Talked. There was a cute store with vintage everything - clothing - hats - awesome - my new favorite store. We took him to Starbucks to try this chocolate drink... the most fattening think ever... sinfull good... he loved it. Then we did his makeup... Eyeliner on boys is sexy... THEN we took pictures (which he is suppose to send me...) and then the Castle... Chase and I made him dance... Chase met two guys- both were really cute and really nice. We took one to Denys with us afterward... Todd was his name...

The music was glorious! (We danced to Closer - NIN - it was very fun... that's that story...) *lol*

Anyway - he was such the gentalman... opening doors, buying drinks for not only myself but Chase as well... offered his house in case we were to tired to drive... I'd say we arived at around 9:30... we left at 8:30 the next morning... all in all twas a really interesting night...

I'm tired now and it's already Sunday... *lol*..... He's a pda.phobe - how opposite is that from Ry... *lol*.... he'll get over it........
sister needs the comp... *arg*... anyway - more later....