...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

June 20, 2004

Father's Day - My poor dad, all he wanted to do was sleep. Instead he got to drive my mother and I to the hospital so I could get platelets, then my mom wanted to go to Jo-Ann Fabrics, then she wanted to eat at Shells. He worships that woman.

So - I've been 24 for at least 24 hours. I feel it. Granted I'm certainly not ready to pack up my Legos, and I will never stop playing with my dolls (I adore miniature tea sets!) But... I don't want to play with my obsessions within the confines of my parents home. It's a little harder for me right now cus' I just had a freaking stem-cell transplant but I really can't wait to leave.

On a lighter note I'm planning to sew Samantha (my american girl doll) a Dorothy costume. My new Lion Build-a-Bear? is going to be the Cowardly Lion, and seeing as my sisters also have Build-A-Misc. Animal...Zander (an actual bear) will be the Tin Man. And Greg the Bunny will portray the Scarecrow. All will have costumes.


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