...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

August 06, 2005

Went to Warped Tour, HOT HOT HOT!
It was to freaking hot... sweat - gross - mascara runnnnnning....
But My Chemical Romance.... *WERE HOTTER*.... *sigh*

I will hump the legs of each and every one of them...


The story that ensues....

So, I went with my friend *K* and her two sisters. She is the oldest of the group and thought she would buy the tickets as a fun thing they could all got to together.
~They got here. *K* wanted to drive her car, 'A', her sister, wanted to drive her's. 'A' calls mom and basically cries over the phone that *K* said they would drive together and know she's not following her word and all kind of good stuff like that.
*K* tells me at this point, "What if they want to leave early?" I answer - "Well they can't!" We get into 'A's car and go to TWT (the warped tour.)

We got directions from the computer. It leads us to some parking lot of a grocery store in St. Pete. (Same city as TWT wrong place.) Apparently we weren't the only ones that got directions from this web site because I car slides in right next to us and asks us if we're are going to TWT... we end up calling *John* to get us directions. BUT ~ 'A' blames *K* the ENTIRE RIDE for getting us lost. I was the one handling the directions AND that other car landed EXACTLY where we did so - OBVIOUSLY at least this wasn't *K*'s fault.

So we get into the area. Can't find parking. 'A' freaks out at the wheel because - she keeps seeing big trucks beside us. I KID YOU NOT. I didn't see any and she kept saying she couldn't turn where *K* told her to because of "big trucks". When we finally got parking Everyone else, (being *K*, *B* - *K*'s youngest sister, and I) rejoiced! 'A' hyperventilated.

We walked over and got in - Everything was A O K. *K* wanted to go to see a band and I wanted to walk around, cool ~ we said we'd meet back at the My Chemical Romance Mech. booth at 4. Her sisters were with her listening to the music while I looked around. I'm on a little blanket next to images of angst emo/punk just chill'n and I think to look at my cell phone.

SIX missed calls!

All six from a number I don't know. But I assume to be 'A's phone.

I call - I'm right and *K* answers. She's currently walking her sisters back to the car. 'A' was hot and hungry and thirsty. *K* offered to buy her a drink and she said she didn't want *K* to buy her a drink. She's a vegetarian ~ so most of the food there wasn't vegi-friendly - but she could have had a soft pretzel - - Most importantly... IT'S AUGUST IN FLORIDA - OF COURSE IT'S HOT!


*K*, before she left, managed to find a security guard that would let her back in because they are not suppose to do that... I walked over to the front gate just in case, but she was let back in.

When she gets back I find out 'A' was going to leave me there at TWT! She told *K*, she was the only ride home so go home now or never.
Meanwhile she was STILL complaining how this whole fiasco was *K*'s fault - and I heard 'A' say "I want to go to the Warped Tour." She it's not like she was DRAGGED with us.

I hook back up with *K* while we check our options.

*John* said he would pick us up. (Which he did, saving the day - for a second time!)

After that we were free to have fun!


I won at lazertag! and I won a raffle I entered, (for a buck!)

Yes - it was hot.
I brought waterin my back pack.
Yes - it was expensive.
I didn't buy food there (I brought apples and nectarines and trail mix from home) - only band shirts and a raffle ticket. WHICH I WON! and the band shirts are the best! AND I won a shirt too... and some posters... and a Thrice lanyard... which I have no idea what to do with because I don't listen to Thrice!... AND FREE STICKERS!!! WOO HOO!
Sure the punkie kids were rude, but they were funny and nice about it - excuse me's and laughter and actual sorry's... not like the mean freaking emo kids at Bright Eyes.
(I saw a shirt that said "DON'T DO EMO" with a picture of a cartoon emo boy crying, crossed out... temptation!)
And after I won the raffle I had to cary around the huge doll and plastic container and shirts and mags and DVD and giftcards -
who am I kidding I have no point... 'cept for the top of my head. *lol*

I had a great time.
I don't think I want to go to Warped Tour next year... unless My Chemical Romance plays again...


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