...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

December 19, 2005

Okay so - I only really post when I have NOTHING else to do... but tis not my fault! (sssuuuuurrrreeeee) Finals are overand I have to spend - till the 23 with my family. I love them - BUT WOW - walk into the house and the volme level of the world goes up twenty seven decivals..... at least... At the moment I'm actually not at home I'm at a x-mas party (I write x-mas when I'm lazy... I like christmas better....) *ACK* we have to get home before my mother... THIS IS WHY I DON'T LIKE BEING HOME!!!!

*I bid you a fond fair thee well!*

November 10, 2005

okay not that anyone really cares - c'ept for that guy who like the fireplaces... *but*
last night I went kereoke.ing? however you spell it and! though I didn't sing I may next time...

My palies Paul and Chris sang the Adam Sandler song *Piece of Shit Car* as the last song of the night and I still have it STUCK IN MY HEAD! They did an awesome job.

October 27, 2005

...the White Sox won the World Series...

the opening bands were awful!

Death from Above 19(whatever the numbers are) - were horrible...
all screachy noise if you ask me... it all sounded the same and it sounded like they didn't care either casue - their on tour with NIN - and you aint!


And Queen of the stone Age - they know how to play - quite good - but it doesn't mean I have to like them!
ALSO - who ever designed the lights for those kids - OI! - horrid! I couldn't look on stage! The spot lights were directly in back and to either side of the band and every time you tried to look up at them you'd get lights *right in your face!* It was awful!


I've been to other concerts - and every one knows that at concerts, the musican makes love to the audience... steady - slow - fast - sensuous - wonderfull - powerfull...

Trent just fucks the shit out of you and leaves.

I'm not even kidding - try listening to whoever you love the most sing 'closer' crawling all over you - touching you in places you didn't know you had THEN the lights go on and they run out of the room... cause that is what Reznor did...
Last song he puts his guitar down and runs off stage! No chance for an encore ~ But damn it when he was singing... It's like the best one night stand you've ever had - and you ever will have! - Just the best anonymous sex you'll ever HAVE!

It leaves you with that - "I wish I would have at least gotten his phone number" or " at least his real name" - feeling...

October 26, 2005

oh my goodness....

Muppets May Return To TV With Reality Twist

POSTED: 8:07 am EDT October 26, 2005
UPDATED: 8:35 am EDT October 26, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- Reality television may soon be making room for the Muppets.

ABC has ordered a script and five episode outlines for "America's Next Muppet," which may have viewers choosing the newest member of the puppet family.

The network purchased the Muppets franchise from the Jim Henson Company back in 2004, and has been using the characters in theme parks, movies and television shows.

The syndicated "The Muppet Show" aired from 1976 to 1981 and was seen in more than 100 countries.

The characters also starred briefly in "Muppets Tonight," which aired for four months in 1996 as part of ABC's primetime lineup.

October 23, 2005

I just got back form NIN and IT FUCKING ROCKED! (The opening bands sucks balls - but) TRENT REZNOR NEED TO HAVE MY GOTHIC-EMO-WHINY-BITCH-BABIES!

more tomorrow - to freaking tired....

October 20, 2005

The test SUCKED - everyone failed -
I wish I had the capacity to describe how people - who are doing quite well in this class - left the room - shoulder hunched and sighing to themselves... AWFUL!


and i love that class... *sheesh*

October 19, 2005

I just started a new blog with my palie *Kristin* ~ more about that later... I can't even work on it at the moment because I have to build a website for my arch. class and I'm am sooooo late on some homework -

but noooo.... I'll post in my blog instead.....*smirk*