...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

July 22, 2004

I've tried to tell Ryan I want to meet her. I know we'd get along. She'll never get the chance to say she hates me or likes me either way if she never meets me...but she has to meet me.

Thank you Rachel. Thank you Elise.

Ryan, stop dicking around ~ let's get on with our lives. I kow what your thinking and stop it. I love everyone and you know it. Cut the crap, I don't have the time to be unhappy, noone does. Everyone desearves to be gloriously happy ~EVERYONE~ You, Cindy, and especially me. I've been too sick for too long to deal with this - this situation sucks.

Let's have dinner! Let's have lunch! Whatever you want to do... no games.


  • At 9:15 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    How could she NOT like you?!

    With your attitude and outlooks, what's not to like?


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