...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

July 19, 2004

You've gone over your blogging minutes this month.....

Okay – the further adventures of *Natasha’s* obvious non-ability to flirt. It’s so sad. There I was at the Florida Mall. It was a tad busy, guys were there that didn’t have girls attached at the hip. Where was I? I happened to be staring at the damn FLOOR! I wasn’t looking up to show off these big brown eyes – OH NO! – I was looking down… what nice shoes you have, nice socks, shoes, shoes… oooh sandles. What the hell is my problem?
Oh yah, did I mention I was at the Florida Mall, and and and – while I was there… I was shopping at what I like to call “skinny stores.” Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle… even a little Hot Topic… I find this type of shopping wonderful and extraordinary. Granted I’m still not exactly one of those skinny skinny girls…. yet. Mwaaahaaahaaahaa……. and we’ll all float on okay…….. the strange thing about it is actually finding clothes that fit you, look good, and you want to wear them. Have you ever tried looking for fat people clothes ~ you might as well give up, grab the muumuu, and tattoo ‘feed me’ to various visible parts of your person. Since I was 16 – since I was 16…. I believe it was about two weeks before I was diagnosed with lupus I was shopping at 5-7-9… I had bought a brown sundress. Very plain. A medium blue big flower short dress. Very busy.
You loose weight and become perpetually COLD!


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