...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

July 20, 2004

I have to admit it. I really don’t like bugs. ~I did have to learn how to pick up those mealworms to feed my turtles. ~ This morning, Ryan calls me. He can’t take a shower cause there’s a spider in his tub. He hasn’t been able to take a shower in that bathroom for days… that’s how long it’s been there. I told him to take a box, a container – something – scoot the eight legged terror into the box with a broom and let it out into the free world.
He couldn’t.
I have to admit – I really dislike roaches if I saw one I’d probably make someone else kill it. There are fifty thousand million billion of those things. Even after nuclear war those bastards will be going strong. I need a guy that can kill a cockroach....!!! But usually, most spiders I can deal with.


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