...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

October 14, 2004

Yesterday was Christian and Elise day. Goodness I love those two! They always make time to steal me away from home and hang out with me – they are so cute. I really believe that they are my friends. I completely realize these two young lovers would like to hang out ‘together’ and they still let me tag along – Bless them! (I needed to get out of my house!) It’s kinda like those wee Oberst lyrics. If you don’t know what I‘m talking about, you’re a sillier monkey than I am! Of course those terribly true lyrics rang out ~ but I believe maybe a tinge more hopeful then our little Connor. ‘Kay enough about those lovebirds. On to those who like… birds.

So – last night I dreamt I was at an Eels concert. First I was rock’n out, they were on stage. Just E and Butch. If I’m not mistaken they were just wearing jeans and t-shirts. Butch was wearing a hat, baseball. (Mind you, I don’t remember having ever seen either of them ever. I’ve never seen them in concert. I can’t really remember if I’ve seen them in an album sleeve, ifn’ I have, it was years ago cause I have five albums all burned and given as gifts to me ~ I just know what the packaging looks like.) So. Dream. Right… I go backstage and can see them. My vision starts to go into widescreen mode as I float backwards. They get further and further away till I’m in my living room and this whole fiasco have only really been on t.v. so I change the channel. I guess it was a semi-japanese game show? Some guy takes a hit from a red bong and, I don’t know if he was really explaining it to me or some other girl on screen, (you know that whole ‘I’m still in my dream thing’,) But! He starts explaining a style of inhaling – taking the breath in and blowing in back into your mouth, exhaling half, and blowing the rest in semi-quick breaths in and out of your lungs. More side notes here, I have never been drunk or high. Just never did it that’s all. I’m almost 25 by the way… okay so I wake up.

I had no idea what I had just dreamed.

I knew it was something – something was there in the recesses of my grey matter but I couldn’t think of what it was. So I reach for the CD’s sitting down to write. The first thing that hits me is I have to listen to the Eels and I pop Souljacker in. Suddenly my dream comes rushing in like a tsunami.

Yesterday I dreamt of snakes and crocs attacking me. This may sound silly but I dream of this ‘guy’ all the time. (This is one I’m suppose to be with and no it’s not Ryan… not in the damn slightest.) He was in the dream to. ~ So ~ yah… snakes big ones. (I remember a King Egyptian Cobra specifically,) and little crocs….

My life is full of weird dreams.


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