...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

September 30, 2004

Thoughts for the day: How would one of those mega hall CD holders work as a picture frame…*thing*?
I want pictures of all my friends and compadres – partners in crime, if you will, hanging on my wall next to where I go to sleep. Or more importantly. Wake up. I feel so far away from any of my lovers! I want the people I care about around me – especially now. I’m lonely. Suffering for my art…. Even though I’m still deciding what my art is. If you have a picture – SEND IT TO ME! Send me a picture of your pet Venus Fly Trap! Everyone you know – people you don’t… as long as all names are prominatly displayed behind the photo… currently I have a picture of Christian, his tree, my family, and Conor Oberst. I 'have' a picture of Ryan... old old old one. I have old pictures of Jeremy - Anthony - Adam... I can't think of who else but I want new ones!

I'm a pain ain't I!

Quilt update: I now have a Cure shirt to cut up AND a Phantom Planet shirt... *yay* still need nice muscial fabric....I shopped for some last weekend too.....no dice...


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