...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

October 03, 2004

i never manage to stop surprising myself - at how i continually disappoint myself. AND if you can't read between the lines with that sentence i don't know how to help....... yah....

went to a reptile show today. hot hot hot hot guys. do they live around here? Where have they *been* all my life? Did i even manage to stop looking at the floor? For two seconds... no i am not yankn' your crank. When i was *taken* it was so easy to walk up to anyone and say hello. now i have these waves of - calm down it's okay you can flirt these guys, no one is watching - nobody cares anymore so do whatever (just not to much whatever! *lol*)

they were so cute.
tall. very tall. dirty blond. had some safari shorts on - slightly, almost to tight t-shirt with the outline of a cat, underneath LOVER was written. AS WAS HE EVER (he was also carrying a snake...in the venomous room...! - i almost had to go splash cold water on my face to chill out.)



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