...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

September 03, 2005

While I'm seated at the Holly M desk, my new job - I have a couple things going on. If someone were to come in and need help... at the moment I'm doning a shirt that says
- front - *FCUK safely* - back - *don't be a lover without a safty cover*
I think it's clever...*so shushyou!* I have a mascot! *J* and *K* went out one night and got me a Happy Meal and a pink pegasus was the toy *so* she's my helper...
Tonight as soon as I get off work I'm going with *K* to go visit her sister in Gainsville. Her sis goes to UF up there... My stuff is all packed and lovely - ready to go - I wonder if I'll get any sleep today? If we are back tomorrow night I'll sleep then. I hope this goes okay because this is the SAME sister that left us at the Warped Tour to try to find a ride back to Tampa... oh goodnes....


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