...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

December 05, 2004

Days and days ~ I’ve been dancing in my bedroom *music ALL the way up!* I’ve gotten gobs of new music – Thank you Brittany, Andrew, Laura and John. A really nice nice nice mix of new and old… songs I’ve known forever tingling with new melodies that are making me squeal with delight!

*lol* - does that sound a little whore.ish to you?

I’ve been OUT~! I went to the MUSE concert Thursday. The guy has a smart guitar – it’s got a computer in it…? I’m still learning of this music… The little thing playing outside HoB before the show – just before we went inside played Just Like Heaven~! AND the little boy in front of me was donning a ‘boys don’t cry’ T. So yah…. It was great show….the crazy part is when I really get to know the band, in all my comfortability – it’ll be even BETTER~! I was going to by a shirt to add to the quilt but $35 for the damn shirt….

Then fry.day – shopping with Meagan. She bought the sexiest boots EVER! I’m pretty sure I finished my Christmas shopping… damn I hate fucked up meanings.

Saturday I got reeled into being my wee sister’s chaperone. I did manage to burn a CD of Andrew’s (Scotland’s – they are one in the same.) music. So the kid ain’t all bad~! We basically stayed at his house and chilled… which wouldn’t have been to torturous if we wouldn’t have had to get up at five (wait, it may have been six?) in the morning in order for everyone to get to work on time and Rachel to drop us off at DD, so as to be picked up by Andrew’s mother. I believe I had tripped into Dreamland, maybe – 12:00 the night before… and I like sleep… no.

THEN – I had to be up this morning early for church. So I’m a bit on the groggy end of things at the moment. Along with all that I made a corset and the boning was too long and now I have to unsew the whole damn thing – detach the boning – cut it. Reattach it. Resew it – lace and then we’ll see….

I’m also making Brittany a corset and myself another corset so the first one in this series will be back, in my sewing machine, at a much later date.

*cough* next Friday I’m suppose to go to the Castle, Tampa’s premier goth club. Brittany, Meagan and myself. Before we enter – we’re meeting John. I’m going to meet John. I’m so nervous, I’ve been ripping at my nails and fingers… he going to look at my hands, figure out I’m a neurotic, the number won’t equal it’s parts and he’ll walk in the other direction. At least this is the scenario I’m prepared for. What am I doing??? I don’t worry!!! There’s no point in worrying! (So why am I fReAkInG out…?)

I’m such a goof.


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