...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

November 30, 2004

Ever do a lot of thinking. Cerebrum explosion thinking. And about more than just love, which is odd for me. I’m always thinking about that emotion – I think we all know that. I’ve had small conversations on the mind. And Muse Lyrics. Then I go back to the Postal Service – the band, is it really a government agency? Cause I think about that as well… I’ve been wanting to write a book of poetry. I’ve been wanted by crazy salsa dancers. (I did look really cute, who can blame them?!) I just woke up from strange dreaming. – when am I ever not dreaming strangely? You know I wrote an entire blog entry – also just deleted the whole thing. I’ve been pondering words, reading the dictionary, and I use tons of words that I understand but exact meanings? My mind is a sieve. Maybe more of a filter…
Did you know ‘love’ is a gothic term? (At least in my dictionary it is.) 1. a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons. There is more – an expression; brotherhood; objects of; unusual passion; sex; Venus; tennis score; and God.
I like it. It’s a good word. In Spanish there are a lot of words for one thing. This is one word for a whole lot of things…

I like it when people use words that don’t seem to belong – but the expression, always perfect.

There is a song my mother has played me – Quisera ser un pez. (I hope I spelled that right???) Basicly it translates into ‘I want to be a fish.’ He proceeds to sing to his girl. ‘So I can press my nose up against the glass in your fish tank. So I can make googly faces at you whenever I want. Oh oh oh, and spend the entire night “mojado en ti.” It means wet in you – but it doesn’t…. it means soaked in you, bathed in your presence, immersed in everything you are, overcome and overwhelmed by you – surrounded.
now how do add this song here......*oi*


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