...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

December 28, 2004

All I knew is that she had a barrel, a trigger, insanity and bullets. You can’t talk to a psycho like a normal human being. – In all fairness, I wasn’t going to try. We couldn’t have been past the 5th floor, maybe we were closer to the ground, I can’t remember the elevator ride down. All the innocent faces got blurry as well. I couldn’t handle knowing exactly how many people I was trying to save. How many people does a song reach? Enough.

She had something that belonged to Jarrod Gorbel and Aaron Kamstra. I can’t remember what it was but I know they needed it. That and hostages. I was suppose to bring her message to the negotiator. I was suppose to save everyone. The message was, send J, and we did it – we sent him. He never came down. I knew I had to go up. Why I didn’t, I was debating with someone about something horribly stupid. I can’t remember. I just remember open fire into the crowd. Then I saw Jarrod, laying in his own blood.

I remember the hospital afterwards. He said he trusted me and I let him down.

…that was my dream last night…

I also stayed up till past 3 in the morning playing the Sims 2... *innocent grin*
...it's 9:30 a.m. I've been up for at least an hour... that's not bad right? *eh*


  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    Can I just say...


    ... Not literally. But still, completely. Only now, I have just discovered Harvest Moon. So that has taken a new place in my life... AMong other things. 3 in the morning is the beginning of my day. Ha!

    You're a funny kind of girl, Tash.


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