...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

September 28, 2005


So I love catalysts for change.

I think I could do that.

I'm artistic, but not an artist.

I'm musical - I can play about three notes...

I'm smart... I'd fail any MENSA test miserably!

Poetic... and as we can see here I'm no poet...

I am a pain in the butt and creative. So what does one do as such...

Make an effort to help those who DO have natural talent and charge 10-50%... whatdo you think... (Unfortunatly, I want money... ((isn't that horibble!)))...


  • At 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Holy shit, I have a fireplace!

    I should check out the fireplace site.

    "It pretty much covers fireplace related stuff."


    Damn stupid Blogger spam.

    In other news... you can be my agent! I'll give you twenty percent of the jobs you send my way! That's double the standard!

    For that matter ANYONE and EVERYONE can be my agent at the same time. The more jobs the merrier!


  • At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hate fireplaces and guitars.

  • At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    good information


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