...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

August 17, 2004

Okay - so I'm a damn pack mule!

My life is full of clutter/crap/needless material items with no redeaming value. I do have a ton of sentimental valued bull that I fell like I could never throw away. BUT I was going through my junk in the garage and ::toss...toss...crumple, toss::... GARBAGE!

If I throw it all out - I know me - I'll just buy new stuff.....bagage - don'tcha love it! I want to go though all my old clothing - SEE YA! - *oh* but I'm such a kid, my toys! I liked my childhood - okay so it wasn't perfect but still...
I compleatly think if I wouldn't have gotten sick I may have *grown up* to be a right bitch.
I learned that it is all material shit - I don't need a $100 watch. (But I really want one.) But if I wanna be happy - and if I think my *stuff* is *cool* then who's to say it's not? If everyone was the same this world would be grey. Damn do I ever realize that that money could be used for lupus rearch, or cancer research...


Trash... Oscar and The Count were my favorite S.Street charecters. I'm going to try to throw it out. Throw it out and not buy this stupid $100 watch.... it's a *really* nice watch......I don't need a watch that costs that much... I could buy - OTHER STUFF with that money! Cause we are living in a material world... Material bull shit is *so* not neccessary.... Nixon the 286, I think that's what it's called... *flabergast*


  • At 6:47 PM, Blogger Christian said…

    Sometimes though... you should take a step back and ask when the last time you bought yourself something nice was... huh?

    This is what I tell Elise all the time. She finally bought herself a nice jacket... and she deserved it... because you HAVE to do something for yourself from time to time.

    She has to tell me the opposite. I spend way too much. I'm better than my brother, thank god... but... that doesn't mean I'm not clutching my new iPod right now. That doesn't mean I'm not wearing a brand new Swatch.

    I'm happier. Selfish maybe. Spoiled for sure.

    You're not selfish. You're not spoiled.

    So spoil yourself.

    Listen to the little devil on your shoulder.

    Or not. I don't know. My little devil is a pushy sonofabitch though. He nags, nags, nags. I can't help but listen to him. He... he loves listening to the iPod.

  • At 10:51 PM, Blogger Tim said…

    You know...

    One of the best feelings in the world...
    Is when you come home from shopping. You see something and it just strikes you. You think "This is so neat! It would make me feel good to own this ___!!" Then you GET home, and unpack the bags from shopping... You hang up the clothes and neatly place that ___ on a table. And you DO feel good. That is a feeling I keep limited. Like candy... If you eat candy all the time, it isn't a treat anymore. It's more like a habit. I think you could use a good feeling like that. I think you need it. Although you don't need a $100 watch... You do need the feeling behind the watch, yes? I think it would be good for you. And not wasted money, actually.

    I mean, that jacket... Was almost $100. 93 dollars. And I LOVE that jacket. It's something I set aside when I feel my best. I say "I feel good today.. I'm going to wear my jacket".

    Also... I just now got your message on my phone. I thought it was a bit late to be calling you... So I'll call you tomorrow:o)


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