...a faerie's tale...

...you say that we're all sPiNnInG and it's really not just me...

July 22, 2005

True leaders do it in the hall ways.

That's what on the back of a shirt I won? at the RHA luau! (Resident Houesing Asso.) Those people are just cute. I hardlt had to talk because - one would ask me a question and someone else would answer for me...
The L on this keyboard has a tendency of not working so if I miss a random L somewhere... just keep reading....

I'm trying to read Harry Potter but have had class and NO SLEEPAGE for several days... tomorrow, I don't have to get up. I don't have class till monday! w00t!! I can't complain though, because, yesterday we made paper bag puppets, and today we played board games. Yes. It all had a purpose. Anthropology. I've been addicted to online forum boards and such. I'm trying to get some of my friends to send me their live journal address to link from here. Paul always has a quippy thing to add to the day... cuteness mostly.

I almost got my tongue pierced today. Then my eyebrow. Then triple pierce my ears. I ended up not doing any of it though. BUT I did decided when I get money the ears will be doubled THEN when those heal, tripled. *Paul* (my friend) and *Kristen* - (my roomate) - got their tongues taken care of. P said it didn't hurt - K said it was the hurtyest.... *lol*


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